Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why We Desire To Be Loved

What am I seeking in this world that I should be finding in God?

It seems our desire for intimacy with God causes us to do crazy things when we aren't receiving it.

Even if your heart or mind does not desire intimacy with God right now, your spirit always will. There is a hole in us that only God was meant to fill. We try to fill it with things, people, relationships, sex. But nothing we can find can replace Him. And we will go on looking until the world consumes us, or once God is merciful enough to give us everything we yearn for in Him.

I'm not just talking about what I think about God, I am a future bride talking about what I have experienced with my future Bridegroom.

Because that is who HE IS: our True Love. Forever and ever.

Do not let any lie deter your thinking that He does not love you like you are His bride, because He does. Oh how He does! He desires you more than any human being could possibly desire you. Your desire to be loved? That's found in HIM.

He wants to spend time with you, He wants to hear from you, talk to you, to be ONE with you. That's why He says love Me with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength...because that is the reason we walk this Earth. That is the reason we were created. That is the reason we have insatiable hungers for love/sex/intimacy with someone special. We are special to Him! He created us, died for us, and has saved us for the same reason: LOVE.

We are His love.

His love conquers us. It topples over our desire to sin. It takes over our longing for others. He makes us satisfied, because that's who He was meant to be for us. Our eyes cannot see Him but our spirits crave Him. Our ears cannot hear Him but our hearts leap at His voice. The Shepherd will always pursue His one lost sheep until He finally has you back His arms. And to save you from eternal death, He gave His life.

Because He loves you.

Allow Him to love you. Embrace being loved by the One who created you. His love for you is a love like no other. Pursue the ecstasy of His love.

He wants you to experience His love. His desire for YOU was the Passion that drove Him to the cross! You were His Passion. He had you in mind when He died. Because He loves you. He always will. And there is nothing you can possibly do to shake Him. And to those of you who see yourself as unlovable in this world, I assure you, He has endless love stored up especially for you. Yes, even sinners like you and me.

When we share in His love, we are filled with all the joy this life has to offer. And in this we have hope: we will receive all His love to the full in Heaven, where we can enjoy being in love with Him forever.

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