Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Plea...From the Spirit of the Living God

The Spirit He caused to live within us envies intensely. Are we not aware that this is true? Do we not allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin? Have we grown deaf to the Spirit's calling? Or worse, have we become products of our environment instead of products of our God? Is He the one who we desire most in this life, or the next?

If unsure about the significance of these questions, or uncertain how to answer any of them, fearfully, and prayerfully read on. I will not hold back what He is teaching me. I will not stay silent in view of evil snares that are holding my brothers and sisters down.

Satan deserves to be called out for what he is doing. But he would rather he go unnoticed. He loves for humans to underestimate him. He loves convincing God's chosen ones that he is not formidable, or that he is not what the Bible terms, "A roaring lion seeking for someone to devour." So do not dismiss this or merely glance this over. This is life or death, my brothers and sisters. 

I have been in the valley of the shadow of death, but I chose to travel it alone, and I was swallowed up into the pit of darkness and shame. But I tell you, I rejoice, because God has again set my feet upon His rock. He saved me from the pit of evil. I cried out to Him, and He saved me.

He tells me, "Because you called on my name, and you trusted me to deliver you, and didn't doubt, I came and rescued you. Because you are mine, and because I love you, I delivered you from the pit."

I am surely writing this for those of you who need to repent and turn away from your sins. So I say to you, "Cry out to Him! Let Him know that He is able, and willing, to do all things, because He is! Cry out and seek Him with passion!" Because that is the one thing He wants most from you: your passion. Truly, you must know, if He has not your passion, He has not your heart, and you have not yet given yourself fully to the work of the Lord.

Oh, if we coud only see how The Spirit grieves for us! If you could see His longing for you! If you could feel how He envies intensely for your heart to belong only to Him! Then you would know what it is to be loved. To be filled with all truth, all joy, and all the love of God. You would know what it means when it says,
"Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature."

Because we can not do this alone! We cannot walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death fearlessly, as we should, if we have not the Shepherd to fight the roaring lion seeking to devour us! The Shepherd is the only one strong enough to fight the lion. We are only sheep to be slaughtered if we stray from the Shepherd. So come back to Him! Seek not the world's friendship, for it is counterfeit and evil in His sight!

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things will be added to you, for His glory. And that is the only true life that exists. Saftety lies in His arms alone. So call on the Lord out of a pure heart, for He hears the poor man's cry. He gives grace to the humble, but opposes the proud. If you humble yourself, He will exalt you. And if you exalt yourself, He will humble you. So stop living a life not worth living!

Live a life pleasing to God and receive the inheritance as sons and daughters of the Most High God. He will hear you from heaven if you trust in His faithfulness that He hears us when we call. Come to Him before you do anything else. Come to the end of yourself so that He can place you at the beginning of Himself.

Do not listen to the world. Stop allowing deception to take root in your heart. Let His righteousness become your joy, and give Him full control over your heart, for this is His desire for you. This is the life He has planned for you. He is holding out His arms for you. Turn away from sin and such fleeting pleasures and run to Him. You lack nothing in the Arms of the Lord. He makes everything new! Let the Spirit renew you inside and out.

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