Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blogs Can Be Scary

Alright, I have to admit it, this blog scares me a lil. And I did not know why exactly until the day after my last entry. That day I experienced something that tends to elude me (thankfully) most days. That is the feeling of


I was taking a nap when I got woken up by my cell phone. It was my friend. I had just told him I was too tired to play ball with him today and that I was sleepy. So I called my bro and asked if he would play for me in my place (since he loves to ball too) and he was thrilled. Anyway, like I said, I woke up from my nap and saw that it was my friend, then it hit me. Yes, like a ton of bricks. An overwhelming PANIC came over me because I had the strange and (seemingly) random notion that he was going to tell me that my brother died in a car accident.

I imagined answering the phone and having to hear about another sibling dying in a car accident. This alarmed me. "What in the world is THIS?" I pleaded with myself to reason with me. But it didn't have to make sense to be a real feeling. I felt real panic...and it freaked me OUT haha.

Maybe I shouldn't laugh, because it is all too familiar, the reality of death that is, but I have to almost laugh at this nonsense. It was not so funny then however. "OH MY GOODNESS IT'S THE BLOG! I am having these thoughts because of the blog!"

Writing about my sister (among other things) I guess opened my heart back up for tragedy. It was fully prepared to receive more tragic news. Then I thought, "He's about to have a baby! Oh, I couldn't DEAL if we lost him! What would Stephanie do? What would I do? I would helplessly watch my nephew suffer! Oh Lord, please don't take my brother now!"

Literally I'm remembering having these thoughts as I am writing, because I guessed I blocked them (gee, wonder why) from my mind.

"So THIS is why men don't share their feelings like women do, because this kinda stuff happens: Paranoia then PANIC," I yelled to my dad, after telling him this story (btw you can thank him for this entry, he told me this is what I should blog about next).

So why am I back? Oh I don't know, I think I just got scared and ran away from my fears. One being EVER having to go through another loved one's death. Two being opening up my wounds will open the flood gates of vulnerability and I could become exposed and hurt.

It is hard to open up about things that hurt. Not just vulnerable things like secrets or insecurities, but real hurts in the heart are hard to open up about...I don't know how to do it, because I've never done it.

And I fully understand why more women have blogs then men. And if that stat is wrong, then I'll try again, more women have blogs about their feelings then men. That's just fact. But it doesn't mean I shouldn't, it just means it is unnatural and harder than I expected.

And I expect to get opened up again like that, some how, some way, I'll panic again. And I guess in a way that is not good, but I want to try to grrrooowww here. Become a MAN. And my definition of a MAN is one who is not afraid of exposing himself, able to be tough, but also vulnerable. Able to be REAL, and not trying to impress all the time. I want to be myself, and that is "Wounded". At least for right now it is, sheesh. We'll see where else this blog takes me.

I'm sorry I left for a while. I'm back now...hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. I admire your courage Nathan, and am so glad you are writing! You have an amazing ability to be open, honest and real that I don't see in a lot of people, which is good #1) for you, that you can get it out and get it effectively nurtured before the Lord, and by others who care about you [like me, for one :)], and #2) that you can touch other peoples' hurting souls so that they too can be comforted. {One precious child-loss mother wrote me an email and told me that my "blog" has become her "best friend" that she can go to everyday, where her grief is validated and understood, thus, a safe companion who won't hurt her. What an honor to be a vessel in God's hands to love and minister to a hurting mother!}

    I am so sorry you got that panicked feeling about your own brother, another precious sibling! My heart goes out to you, and my prayers will go up for you, that our Lord will hold you in His arms and bring you not only His comfort, but His peace into your aching heart. Grief can be so hard, but I am glad you are allowing it to flow so that your heart remains tender and vulnerable to be comforted and to be open to our Lord for His touch and for however He wants to flow through you. His grace will be sufficient for you, for He even says, "'Blessed' are those who mourn!" What a shocking pronouncement for Him to declare, that once again turns our thinking upside down!

    I love you so,

